2023 Euroopa ülikoolide MV

7.09.2023 - 9.09.2023 All day
Address: Witebska 24, 85-778 Bydgoszcz, Poola

AJAKAVA   (01.09 seisuga)     

Eestist osalevad:
1. Markus UIBO,
2. Karl August RUUSALEPP
3. Karl Kristofer ORGSE,
4. Rasmus TENSING,
5. Margus KODASMA,
6. Martin RAHUOJA,
7. Uku Siim TIMMUSK,
8. Mark JALAKAS,
roolis: Maria SIIMAN

1. Rachel KÕLLO

Only the following may participate as competitors in a EUSA EUC:

• Students who are officially registered for and pursuing a course of study at a university or similar institute whose status as an institution of higher education is recognized by the appropriate national authority of their country;

• Former students of the institutions mentioned above who obtained their academic degree or diploma after January 01, 2022.

• Competitors shall not be younger than 17 and older than 30 years.

– Formula: EUC year (2023) – competitor’s year of birth = age

The registration guide can be found in the following link: https://www.eusa.eu/media/documents/registrations-guide 

The entry procedure is decribed in the Rules & Regulations for EUSA Sports Events – page 14


General entry deadline                 – 15/03/2023
Quantitative entry deadline         – 07/06/2023
Payment deadline                         – 07/07/2023
Individual entry & Travel Plan      – 07/08/2023


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